Advantages of AAC

AAC block weighs nearly around 80% less when contrasted with the ordinary red brick ultimately resulting into great reduction of deadweight.

Further, the lessened dead weight comes about into reduction of the utilization of cement and steel which helps incredibly in cost savings.

Durability and its ecological effect is an imperative factor while considering utilization of a building material.

A structure that does not require significant repairs and redesigns at regular intervals or somewhere in the vicinity, can spare cash, burden, vitality and different assets.

This is of colossal preferred standpoint to the building owner, making a superior investment and value in advance and over a long time.

Fly Ash Based AAC Blocks has turned out to be an extremely sturdy material.

There are various structures in a wide range of atmospheres around the world, numerous more than sixty years of age, in brilliant condition.

AAC won't decay, twist, rust, consume or generally deteriorate. AAC gives a low maintenance building, sparing significant time and cash in upkeep over the life of the structure.
High Thermal Insulation
High Thermal Insulation

AAC has extraordinary warm insulating qualities.

An AAC wall gives strong protection, without the thermal bridging (chilly spots) related with through-wall surrounding members or fasteners.

Structures built with AAC have a tendency to be cooler in summer and hotter in winter. Therefore, the building's ventilating or warming use might be lower and makes the utilization of extra thermal insulation unnecessary.

Customers revealed lower utility bills. In addition to greatly moderating the interior temperature, this lag time enables energy utilization to be moved to off-peak hours, an advantage to power companies.

In numerous mild situations, an 8-inch-thick AAC wall gives more than the required thermal protection without extra insulation.

Better temperature and humidity control give more prominent comfort to building inhabitants.

A test was done on a 10" AAC divider. The outside of the wall was painted dark to amplify warm retention from the sun. A thermometer was set on the outside and inside surfaces of the divider to gauge its temperature changes over a twenty-four-hour time span. The outside surface varies more than 52 ºC (126 ºF) while the inside surface change once in a while + 2 ºC.
Acoustic Insulation
Acoustic Insulation

A regularly overlooked ecological issue in construction is noise contamination.

The strong wall construction of a building made of AAC gives exceptional acoustic protection.

Its porous structure and high surface mass, combined with its capacity to dampen mechanical vibration energy, extraordinarily decreases outside environmental noise contamination and the indoor echo impact (i.e. reflecting sound) in empty rooms, giving a calmer, more comfortable interior for the tenants.

AAC sound wall frameworks can AAComplish STC (Sound Transmission Class) evaluations up to 60.
Fire Resistance
Fire Resistance

AAC is non-flammable.

A 4-inch thick non-stack bearing or a 6-inch thick load-bearing AAC wall gives a U.L. classified 4-hour fire rating. This far surpasses the prerequisites of the Standard Building Code and gives a critical level of assurance against loss of life and property.

Dangerous fumes produced from customary materials burning pose a danger. AAC is an inorganic material that does not consume.

The melting point of AAC is more than 1593 ºC (2900 ºF), more than double the normal temperature in a building flame of 649 ºC (1200 ºF). The utilization of AAC dispenses with the requirement for applying expensive insulating materials.
Mold Resistance
Mold Resistance

Worries of mold developing in our homes and business structures are at an all time high. Fears of illnesses identified with mold development have even prompted a few people to empty their homes. Fungi contaminated habitations and structures have turned out to be legal and insurance nightmare. Mold spores are all over the place yet require certain conditions to multiply-a warm temperature, sustained moisture, and organic nutrients.

The average nutrient source for mold is dampness originating from damp material within the building. AAC is a breathable, concrete item made with perfect, inorganic materials and does not offer the nutrients required for mold development.

Tests directed by an autonomous research facility on AAC block against the three parasites most regularly required in indoor air quality examinations demonstrated AAC to be fungal resistant and severe in enabling mold to increase.

Positively, there are many cures and protection measures that can be taken to turn away the development of mold in a structure. One of these is the utilization of AAC building blocks in the construction of both interior and outside walls.

No structure is mold-proof, yet picking suitable building materials with appropriate ventilation and great upkeep practices can enormously facilitate the danger of mold issues in your structure.
Pest Resistance
Pest Resistance

AAC is an inorganic, insect resistant, strong wall construction material.

It is impossible for insects and rodents to occupy in them.

Without the worry of termites and different bugs harming or inhabiting the AAC bit of the structure, chemical treatments can be decreased while keeping up the greatest protection against harm to the building.
Design Flexibility
Design Flexibility

The surface of AAC blocks can be etched to make uncovers signage, and graphics.

Corners of walls can be scratched to make adjusted edges or entases, and curves can be cut with saws. AAC can likewise be sliced to make radius walls.

Adhesive mortar can be utilized to cover thin slabs or portions of AAC or made stone (cultured stone) to a generally flat wall to develop quoins, cornices, and other ornamentation. Bas-help medicines can likewise be cut into the surface of an AAC wall.
Seismic Design
Seismic Design

AAC has performed well for a long time in seismically dynamic and typhoon inclined areas around the globe.

AAC structures have demonstrated great resistance to earthquake powers.

The non-burnable and heat proof attributes give additionally advantage against flames normally connected with seismic tremors.
Improve Indoor Air Quality
Improve Indoor Air Quality

A portion of the poorest quality air we inhale is in our homes and the structures we work in.

It is evaluated that 80 to 90 percent of a normal individual's time is spent inside.

AAC is an inorganic material that contains no lethal substances and does not decompose or off-gas. Since AAC is both a structural and insulation material, it permits the disposal of different materials that may add to poor indoor air quality. AAC is a perfect material for homes for the chemically sensitive.

AAC simplifies construction by limiting the quantity of various building items involved.

Operating cost reserve funds for the building proprietor end up being considerable, with life cycle earn back the original investment inside a moderately short period.

The AAC building owner may see a noteworthy reduction of maintenance and energy (warming and cooling) costs and additionally an expansion in general comfort and security.

AAC blocks are rapidly and precisely cut with a band saw or hand saw to the coveted measurement including exact edges and different shapes.

AAC can likewise be drilled, nailed, scored, steered, molded, etched, cut, covered, coasted, screwed into and processed with normal tools and completed with paint, tile, drywall, mortar, or polish. Window trim chases for plumbing, wiring, and outlets, and decorative highlights like keystones, window ledges and columns can simply be formed on the job site.